Project portfolio National projects AllInternational Project artMAP: Innovative analytical methodology for in-situ identification and real-time mapping of organic binders used in ancient wall paintingsNational Project INFRA-ART: Spectral data mining for material identification, chemical fingerprinting and forgery detection of painted works of artNational Project PEGASUS: Product for smart correlation of airborne GPR and imagistic data in to a multi-layered packageNational Project IPERION HS: Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage ScienceInternational Project Metode și tehnici inovative pentru evaluarea intervențiilor de conservare-restaurare și urmărirea de conservare a construcțiilor tradiționale din RomâniaNational Project IMPLEMENT – implementation and exploitation of the scientific research results in the restoration and conservation practice of cultural goodsNational Project Platformă digitală integrată pentru valorizarea peisajului cultural din Munții Buzăului. Studiu de caz: cadrul natural și monumentele istorice din zona Aluniș-BozioruNational Project Center for the valorization of cultural-scientific projects in archaeologyNational Project Platforma PILOT de valorizare trans-disciplinara prin baze de date relationateNational Project World Wide Open Workshop with Advanced Techniques for Cultural HeritageNational Project Contemporary Art ConservationNational Project Folkloric Multimedia DepositNational Project Development of advanced compatible materials and techniques and their application for the protection, conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage assetsNational Project The Stone HouseInternational Project Saving Sacred Relics of European Medieval Cultural HeritageInternational Project Laser microscope to clean fine art objects and an advanced optical method for investigation diagnosis and treatmentInternational Project EnviartInternational Project COST TD 0902 SPLASHCOSInternational Project Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating RadarInternational Project Artwork conservation by laserInternational Project Underground painted funeral chamber from Constanta (Roman Archaeological Objectives)National Project Tra-arT: Identification and treatment of pollutant agents effect on artistic components of historical buildings. Case StudiesNational Project ReSITUSNational Project Microclimate Control in Bran Castle MuseumNational Project IMAGISTNational Project CEMMONational Project CARPONational Project Ansamblul rupestru de la BasarabiNational Project Advanced studies for protection and conservation measures of audio collectionsNational Project Advanced On-Site Laboratory for European Antique Heritage RestorationInternational Project 87/PHE: Instrumente fotonice avansate pentru monitorizarea de la distanță și/sau in situ a patrimoniului culturalNational Project OPEN-SciART – A Tailored-Made Open-Access Spectral Data Analytics Application for Heritage Science, Education, and ConservationNational Project Want to collaborate with us? Contact us