Lucrări publicate în alte baze de date

  1. A. Rauca, A. M. Berdie, L. Ghervase, Aspecte metodologice de conservare și restaurare a unei picturi victoriene în tehnca ulei pe pânză, in implementART, vol. 2, p. 122-138 (2023).
  2. A. Rauca, D. Pattus, L. Ghervase, Metodologia de conservare și restaurare a unui portret de secol XIX, in implementART, vol. 2, p. 111-121 (2023).
  3. L. Angheluță, Good practices, limits and risks of 3D digitization in the continuous documentation of Cultural Heritage, in Optoelectronics into a powerful economy - Book of Proceedings, ed. R. Rădvan, AGIR Publishing House, ISBN: 978-973-720-822-4, p. 321-328 (2020).
  4. M. Dinu, R. Rădvan, A. Chelmuș, Overview on the advanced laser techniques for conservation and restoration of The Romanian Traditional Built Heritage, in Optoelectronics into a powerful economy - Book of Proceedings, ed. R. Rădvan, AGIR Publishing House, ISBN: 978-973-720-822-4, p. 307-318 (2020).
  5. L.C. Ratoiu, Uncovering Layers of the Past. Spectral Imaging Techniques for Artworks Investigation, in Optoelectronics into a powerful economy - Book of Proceedings, ed. R. Rădvan, AGIR Publishing House, ISBN: 978-973-720-822-4, p. 349-356 (2020).
  6. T.M. Kovacs, I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, Considerations regarding contemporary mixed media paintings: the study and restoration treatment of Romul Nuţiu's Dynamics, in Studies in Contemporary Art Ageing Journal, 1(1), p. 25-36 (2018).
  7. I.M. Cortea, ATR-FTIR analysis of inorganic materials. Applications for the examination of fine art and archeological objects, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 10(2), p. 191-195 (2016).
  8. L. Ratoiu, R. Cristache, I. Sandu, Corroborated imaging techniques for the documentation process of a Lipovan icon from the half of the 20th century, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 10(2), p. 206-213 (2016).
  9. L. Ghervase, Identifying rocks and minerals based on their specific elemental signature, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 10(2), p. 199-205 (2016).
  10. A. Chelmuș, Long-term monitoring and analyze of microclimate factors, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 10(1), p. 117-123 (2016).
  11. L.M. Angheluță, A. Chelmuș, D. Cârnu, R. Marinescu, X-ray imaging investigation of historical military artifacts, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 10(2), p. 186-190 (2016).
  12. M. Dinu, A new risk free concept implemented in archives, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 129-132 (2015).
  13. L. Ratoiu, D. Ene, R. Rădvan, Alternative method for reconstruction, completion and reintegration of some decorative details using 3D printing technique, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 80-86 (2015).
  14. L.M. Angheluță, CERES - Center for the valorization of cultural-scientific projects in archaeology, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 25-29 (2015).
  15. D. Ene, R. Rădvan, L.M. Angheluță, Cultural Heritage valorization using relational data base, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 116-121 (2015).
  16. L. Ghervase, R. Rădvan, Differentiation between organic and inorganic-based pigments through XRF, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 142-147 (2015).
  17. R. Rădvan, Innovation in research and services for the cultural operators by the project INOVA-OPTIMA, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 15-17 (2015).
  18. I.M. Cortea, Investigations on the physico-chemical stability of polymeric adhesives and consolidants used in conservation, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 9, p. 37-45 (2015).
  19. S. Ispas, M. Simileanu, C. Neamu, L. Ratoiu, L.M. Angheluță, Modern archives best practice: preservation of the archival materials and multifaceted digitization of the collections, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 8, p. 90-94 (2014).
  20. L.M. Angheluţă, D.V. Ene, R. Rădvan, M. Simileanu, L. Ratoiu, Open restoration site – modern intervention, trainings and long term monitoring processes, in Restitutio - The Conservation-Restoration Bulletin of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", 8, p. 34-37 (2014).