Cercetări multidisciplinare pentru evaluarea stării de conservare a unor situri rupestre din zona Aluniș-Bozioru (Munții Buzău) incluse în patrimoniul cultural național, Lucian Ratoiu, Alexandru Chelmus, Laurentiu Angheluta, Alexandru Petculescu, Ionut Mirea, Cristian Munteanu, Andrei Giurginca, Valerica Toma, Luchiana Faur, Razvan Arghir, Roxana Radvan, Ionut Popa ,Seria I never knew about…, vol IV, Editura Top Form, ISBN 978-606-8550-68-8, Editura Univers Științific ISBN 978-973-1944-58-6
This is e-book is a collection of research conducted by a joint effort of our department and “Emil Racoviță” Speleology Institute within the Romanian Academy. It is a multi-disciplinary approach on the characterization of a cultural landscape with methods that were focused on both the natural environment (soil, fauna and vegetation) and the conservation state of a selection of class A monuments from the Romanian cultural heritage.
This is a result of the Project ARTEMIS and can be found HERE with access on request.
Main topics covered: aerial investigations, 3D documentation, geophysical investigations, petrographic and microtectonic characterization, biological diversity and the characterization of conservation state.
The subjected area was Buzău Mountains with the following monument selection:
- Aluniș Rupestrial Ensemble
- Rupestrial skit Agatonul Nou
- Rupestrial skit Fundătura
- Fundul Peșterii
- Joseph’s stone