Papers published in ISI indexed journals L.M. Angheluță, A. Ignuța Acimov, C. Gora, A.I. Chiricuță, A.I. Popovici, V. Obradovici (2025). Documenting Romania’s Wooden Churches: Integrating Modern Digital Platforms with Vernacular Conservation. Heritage, 8(3), 103. L. Ratoiu, L. Ghervase (2024) Connecting stories. Investigations of a 17th-century Mercator hand-painted map, in Studies in Conservation, 1–15. I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, L. Ratoiu, O. Țentea, M. Dinu (2024) New insights into the materials and painting techniques of ancient wall paintings from the Roman province of Dacia: a minimally-invasive multi-method approach, in Heritage, 7(9), 5268-5294. I.M. Cortea (2024). Towards FAIR data management in heritage science research: updates and progress on the INFRA-ART Spectral Library, in Heritage, 7(5), 2569-2585. M. Dinu, L. Ghervase, L. Ratoiu, I.M. Cortea, L.M. Angheluță, A.M. Pătrașcu, C.M. Stancu, V.A. Cristea (2024). Unveiling the Layers of History: A Hybrid Profiling Approach for the Characterisation of Heritage Objects, in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 26(11-12), 512-522 L. Ratoiu, S. Serafima, I.M. Cortea, O. Duliu (2023). A multi-analytical study of a 17th-century Wallachian icon depicting the "Mother of God with Child", in Heritage, 6(10), 6931-6948. L.M. Angheluță, A.I. Popovici, L.C. Ratoiu (2023). A Web-Based Platform for 3D Visualization of Multimodal Imaging Data in Cultural Heritage Asset Documentation, in Heritage, 6(12), 7381-7399. R. Rădvan, M. Dinu, L.C. Ratoiu, M.C Stancu (2023). Aspects concerning laser cleaning of contemporary mural paintings, in Romanian Journal of Physics, 68, 905 I.M. Cortea, A. Chiroșca, L.M. Angheluță, G. Serițan (2023). INFRA-ART: An open access spectral library of art-related materials as a digital support tool for cultural heritage science, in Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16(2), 40. L. Ghervase, I.M Cortea (2023). Lighting up the heritage sciences: the past and future of laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in the field of cultural goods, in Chemosensors 11(2), 100. M. Dinu, L.C. Ratoiu, C. Călin, G. Călin (2023). Multi-Analytical Investigations of the Medieval Turkish Bath from Golești Open Air Museum, in Buildings, 13(2), 321. L.M. Angheluță, A.I. Chelmuș, A.I. Popovici (2023). Online timelapse thermography 3D viewer, in Romanian Journal of Physics 68, 904. V. Atanassova, M. Dinu, S.R. Polizu, R. Rădvan (2023). Photonic Applications for Restoration and Conservation of 19th Century Polychrome Religious Wooden Artworks, in Coatings, 13(7), 1235. A. Rauca, L. Ghervase, A. Berdie, M. Agachi (2023). Unveiling the Secrets of an Artwork through Non-Invasive Investigations—Case Study of a 19th-Century Female Portrait, in Minerals, 13(9), 1193. I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, R. Rădvan, G. Serițan (2022). Assessment of easily accessible spectroscopic techniques coupled with multivariate analysis for the qualitative characterization and differentiation of earth pigments of various provenance, in Minerlas, 12(6), 755. I. Gomoiu, M. Enache, S. Neagu, R. Ruginescu, M. Dumbrăvician, R. Rădvan, L. Ghervase, I. Mohanu, R. Cojoc (2022). Biocleaning of wall painting with microbial esterases immobilised in agarart, in Romanian Journal of Materials, 52(3), pp. 238-251. I. Gomoiu, R. Cojoc, R. Ruginescu, S. Neagu, M. Enache, G. Maria, M. Dumbrăvician, I. Olteanu, R. Rădvan, L. Ratoiu, V. Atanassova, L. Ghervase (2022). Brackish and Hypersaline Lakes as Potential Reservoir for Enzymes Involved in Decomposition of Organic Materials on Frescoes, in Fermentation, 8(9), 462. L.M. Angheluță, O. Țentea, L. Ghervase, I.M. Cortea, M. Dinu, L.C. Ratoiu, A.C. Pârău (2022). Integrated multi-analytical study of the bronze vessel from Mălăiești Roman fort, in Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 9(1), pp. 185-198. V. Atanassova, S.R. Polizu (2022). On the artistic materials of two 19th century wooden icons from "Annunciation" Church in Galați, Romania, in UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, 8(4), pp. 169-184. I. Gomoiu, R. Cojoc, R. Ruginescu, S. Neagu, M. Enache, M. Dumbrăvician, I. Olteanu, R. Rădvan, L. Ghervase (2022). The susceptibility to biodegradation of some consolidants used in the restoration of mural paintings, in Applied Sciences, 12(14), 7229. I.M. Cortea, L. Ratoiu, A. Chelmuș, T. Mureșan (2022). Unveiling the original layers and color palette of 18th century overpainted Transylvanian icons by combined X-ray radiography, hyperspectral imaging, and spectroscopic spot analysis, in X-Ray Spectrometry, 51(1), pp. 26-42. I.M. Cortea, L. Ratoiu, R. Rădvan (2021). Characterization of spray paints used in street art graffiti by a non-destructive multi-analytical approach, in Color Research and Application, 46(1), pp. 183-194. I. Gomoiu, M. Enache, S. Neagu, R. Ruginescu, M. Dumbrăvician, R. Rădvan, L. Ghervase, I. Mohanu, R. Cojoc (2021). Green biotechnologies used in the restoration of mural painting and lithic support: review, in Romanian Journal of Materials, 51(4), 495-504. I.M. Cortea, L. Ratoiu, L. Ghervase, O. Țentea, M. Dinu (2021). Investigation of ancient wall painting fragments discovered in the Roman baths from Alburnus Maior by complementary non-destructive techniques, in Applied Sciences, 11(21), 10049. V. Atanassova, L. Ghervase, I.M. Cortea (2021). Laser removal of marker tags from a contemporary graffiti painting, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1859, 012001. V. Atanassova, L. Ghervase, I.M. Cortea, V. Mihailov, V. Tankova, V. Nikolov (2021). Multi-analytical approach for characterization of archaeological pottery excavated in the Early-Neolithic settlement of Chavdar, Bulgaria, in Spectroscopy Letters, 54 (7), pp. 549-559. L.M. Angheluță, R. Rădvan, 3D digitization of translucid materials in cultural heritage objects: a comparative study between laser scanning and photogrammetry. Romanian Journal of Physics. 65, 906 (2020). I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, L. Ratoiu, R. Rădvan (2020). Application of spectroscopic and hyperspectral imaging techniques for rapid and non-destructive investigation of Jewish ritual parchment, in Frontiers in Materials, 7, 601339. V. Atanassova, G.R. Dascalu, Aspects of laser cleaning efficiency for contemporary artworks restoration. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 82, 231–240 (2020). I. Gomoiu, R. Rădvan, L. Ghervase, I. Mohanu, M. Enache, S. Neagu, R. Ruginescu, R. Cojoc (2020). Cleaning of mural paintings and mortars: review, in Romanian Journal of Materials, 50(4) pp. 485-492. I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, O. Țentea, A.C. Pârău, R. Rădvan, First analytical study on second-century wall paintings from Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa: insights on the materials and painting technique. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 14, 751–761 (2020). L. Ghervase, M. Dinu, C. Borș. L.M. Angheluță, R. Rădvan, I.M. Cortea, Investigation on metal adornments from ancient Eastern Europe. Frontiers in Materials. 7, 600913 (2020). G.R. Dascalu, M.C. Stancu, M. Dinu, N. Pușcaș, Laser cleaning of polychrome artworks. Case study on graffiti. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 82, 307–316 (2020). I. Huică, I.M. Cortea, L. Ratoiu, L. Ghervase, R. Rădvan, D. Mohanu, Multidisciplinary approach for time-framing of an overpainted wooden iconostasis from Southern Romania. Microchemical Journal. 155, 104685 (2020). M. Dinu, I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, M.C. Stancu, I. Mohanu, N. Cristea , Optoelectronic investigation of the mural paintings from Drăguțești wooden church, Argeș County, Romania. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 22, 303–337 (2020). L.M. Angheluță, A. Chiroșca, Physical degradation detection on artwork surface polychromies using deep learning models. Romanian Reports in Physics. 72, 805 (2020). V.L. Tobisch, I.M. Cortea, L. Ratoiu, R. Rădvan, W. Kautek, Physicochemical characterization of electrodeposited printing plates from the early 1840s in Vienna. Microchemical Journal. 152, 104320 (2020). I.M. Cortea, L. Ghervase, L. Ratoiu, M. Dinu, R. Rădvan, Uncovering hidden jewels: an investigation of the pictorial layers of an 18th-century Taskin harpsichord. Heritage Science. 8 (2020). L. Ferrazza, D.J. Barber, M.T. Pastor Valls, G.M. Contreras Zamorano, P. Ortiz, R. Rădvan, A. Chelmuș, L. Ratoiu, L. Ghervase, I.M. Cortea, Multidisciplinary approach applied to the diagnosis of the facade of the arciprestal church of santa maría de morella (Castellón, Spain). Scanning, 2852804 (2019). L. M. Angheluță, 3D reconstruction of archaeological artefacts from 2-D X-ray images. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications. 12, 705–712 (2018). L. Ghervase, I. M. Cortea, R. Rădvan, L. Ratoiu, A. Chelmuș, Complementary investigations of two Lipovan-style icons. Microchemical Journal. 138, 509–518 (2018). A. Chelmuș, R. Rădvan, L. Ghervase, Corroborated X-ray imaging and elemental analysis for obtaining quantitative information from radiographs. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications. 12, 314–318 (2018). U. Pacher, M. Dinu, T. O. Nagy, R. Rădvan, W. Kautek, Multiple wavelength stratigraphy by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Ni-Co alloy coatings on steel. Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy. 146, 36–40 (2018). L. Ghervase, I. M. Cortea, R. Rădvan, C. Borș, Non-destructive spectroscopic investigation of artefacts from middle Hallstatt period—case study of a stone bead from Tărtăria I hoard, Romania. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 10, 1841–1849 (2018). L. M. Angheluţă, R. Rădvan, 3D digitization of an antique decorative textile artifact using photogrammetry. Romanian Reports in Physics. 69, 801 (2017). I. Gomoiu, D. Mohanu, R. Rădvan, M. Dumbrăvician, S.E. Neagu, L.R. Cojoc, M.I. Enache, A. Chelmuș, I. Mohanu, Environmental impact on biopigmentation of mural painting. Acta Physica Polonica A. 131, 48–51 (2017). C. Armeanu, Image reconstruction with back filtered projection algorithms, used in cultural heritage investigations. Romanian Reports in Physics. 69, 405 (2017). R. Rădvan, L. Ratoiu, A. Chelmuș, Indoor microclimate monitoring for long-term conservation of the archive of the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore „Constantin Brăiloiu” multimedia collection. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore. 1-2, 152–171 (2017). C. Armeanu, 3D X-ray image composition. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 78, 309–320 (2016). A. Chelmuș, D. Ene, L. Angheluță, Analysis of radio wave propagation in soil with application in archaeology. Romanian Reports in Physics. 68, 813–821 (2016). I. M. Cortea, R. Cristache, I. Sandu, Characterization of historical violin varnishes using atr-ftir spectroscopy. Romanian Reports in Physics. 68, 615–622 (2016). R. Rǎdvan, I. M. Cortea, Influence of wavelength specificity on the photodegradation effects of polymeric materials used in cultural heritage conservation. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 18, 330–337 (2016). M. Simileanu, LIBS quantitative analyses of bronze objects for cultural heritage applications. Romanian Reports in Physics. 68, 203–209 (2016). R. Rădvan, C. Borș, L. Ghervase, Portable X-ray fluorescence investigation of certain bronze beads of hoard tărtăria I and their specific corrosion. Romanian Journal of Physics. 61, 1530–1538 (2016). A. Chelmuș, Validation of ground penetrating radar data interpretation using an electromagnetic wave propagation simulator. Romanian Reports in Physics. 68, 1584–1588 (2016). M. Dinu, H. C. Rădulescu, G. Nicula, R. Rădvan, I. M. Cortea, Characterization of contemporary bast textiles and investigation of induced ageing effects for complex Cultural Heritage restoration of textile artifacts. Industria Textila. 66, 353–359 (2015). M. Simileanu, A. Chelmuș, R. Rădvan, Microclimate monitoring analyses correlated for risk management of the Folklore archive’s paper collection. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore. 1-2, 209–215 (2015). L. Angheluţă, D. Ene, Multi-purpose online instrument for a conservationrestoration mobile research laboratory. Romanian Journal of Physics. 60, 1606–1618 (2015). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, D. Pandrea, Evaluation of the conservation status of the fountain ensemble from Brǎila’s trajan square, using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 76, 241–246 (2014). I. M. Cortea, D. Ene, Notes on the preservation of the new wave of modeling materials used in contemporary art. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 76, 271–277 (2014). M. Simileanu, L. M. Angheluță, I. M. Cortea, A. I. Chelmuş, Open access platform for in situ campaigns. case study for martyrs’ monument from moisei, maramures, Romǎnia. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 76, 245–252 (2014). L. Ratoiu, C. Neamu, Preliminary documentation and investigation of the IEF archive by means of multispectral imaging. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore. 1-2, 169–189 (2014). I. M. Cortea, A. Rǎdvan, C. Vasiliu, N. Puşcaş, Preliminary results of accelerated ageing tests on acrylic art paints. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 76, 215–222 (2014). H. Sadek, A. Khedr, M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, Characterisation of lustre compositions from Egypt by LIBS and IBA. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 8, 1357–1363 (2013). R. Rădvan, M. Simileanu, Conservation of material support for immaterial heritage. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore. 1-2, 143–155 (2013). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, Comparative study of mono and double pulse LIBS configurations analyses for on-site transportable set-up optimization. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 14, 1066–1070 (2012). D. Ene, R. Rădvan, Comparison of radar exploration from ground and low altitude for fast archaeological dissemination. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 74, 157–162 (2012). H. Sadek, M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, R. Goumaa, Identification of porcelain pigments by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 14, 858–862 (2012). A. S. Moldovan, Wireless polyvalent equipment for microclimate conditions monitoring. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 74, 171–182 (2012). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, Remote method and set-up for the characterization of the submerged archaeological remains. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 13, 528–531 (2011). L. Angheluta, A. Moldovan, R. Radvan, The teleoperation of a LIF scanning device. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 73, 193–200 (2011). D. Ene, R. Rădvan, High-resolution 3D digital models- CH surveyor. Romanian Reports in Physics. 62, 660–670 (2010). D. Ene, R. Rădvan, Interactive digital representation of Sasspol temples. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 12, 1394–1398 (2010). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, N. Pușcaș, Underwater LIBS investigations setup for metals’ identification. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 72, 209–216 (2010). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, M. Giurgincă, L. Miu, Laser restoration method for parchment artefacts. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications. 3, 282–289 (2009). J. Striber, R. Rădvan, L. M. Angheluță, Laser spectroscopy methods for an 18th century grisaille painting investigation. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 11, 1815–1820 (2009). M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, N. Puşcaş, Overview on laser cleaning of leather objects. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 71, 65–73 (2009). M. Simileanu, W. Mărăcineanu, J. Striber, C. Deciu, D. Ene, L.M. Angheluță, R. Rădvan, R. Savastru, Advanced research technology for art and archaeology - ART4ART mobile laboratory. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 10, 470–473 (2008). M. Simileanu, J. Striber, R. Rădvan, Aspects concerning laser conservation of organic artworks. Romanian Reports in Physics. 60, 105–110 (2008). L. Angheluță, J. Striber, R. Rădvan, M. Simileanu, Automated optoelectronic device for qualitative analysis of the artwork surfaces using the LIF technique. Romanian Reports in Physics. 60, 1053–1063 (2008). N. Heraşcu, M. Simileanu, R. Rădvan, Color changes in the artwork materials aged by UV radiation. Romanian Reports in Physics. 60, 95–103 (2008). M. Simileanu, M. Giurgincă, L. Miu, R. Rădvan, Influence of laser restoration method on the collagen based artifacts. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 10, 2168–2173 (2008). M. Simileanu, G. Avgerinidou, L.M. Angheluță, R. Rădvan, J. Striber, L. Miu, Laser cleaning of 18-th century parchment with polychrome inscriptions. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications. 2, 587–592 (2008). D. Ene, W. Mǎrǎcineanu, C. Deciu, R. Rădvan, Three dimensional imaging of cultural heritage as a basis for a knowledge cultural assets. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics. 70, 71–81 (2008). J. Striber, F. Colao, R. Fantoni, L. Fiorani, A. Palucci, Algorithm for angular correction of images in scanning LIF. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 9, 1918–1925 (2007). L. Caneve, F. Colao, F. Fabbri, R. Fantoni, V. Spizzichino, J. Striber, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of asbestos. Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy. 60, 1115-1120 (2005). M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, R. Rădvan, I. Mihăilescu, G. Socol, Optical recording in sulfur-selenium layers. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 6, 883–886 (2004). I. Gomoiu, R. Rădvan, D. Mohanu, R. Savastru, Limit of Nd:YAG laser application in artwork restauration. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 4, 409–412 (2002). F. Sava, R. Cristescu, G. Socol, R. Rădvan, R. Savastru, D. Savastru (2002). Structure of bulk and thin films of poly(methyl methacrilate (PMMA) polymer prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition, in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4(4), pp. 965-970. R. Rădvan, N. Popovici, R. Savastru, C. Ghica, F. Sava, M. Popescu, The stability of cadmium chalcogenide pigments in the process of laser cleaning of painted surfaces. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 3, 897–902 (2001).