INFRA-ART: Spectral data mining for material identification, chemical fingerprinting and forgery detection of painted works of art
September 2020 – August 2022

The main objective of the INFRA-ART project (Spectral data mining for material identification, chemical fingerprinting and forgery detection of painted works of art) is to foster innovation and knowledge advancement in the field of heritage science, with a specific focus on the scientific examination of painted works of art. The project exploits an existing high-top infrastructure and proposes a multi-analytical experimental approach that combines targeted spectroscopic techniques with state of the art macro-imaging analysis. The specific objectives of the present project are as follow: (O1) Development of an integrated spectral library of artists’ and cultural heritage materials; (O2) Workflow for material identification and discrimination (with a focus on historical pigments); (O3) Algorithm design for automatic classification and identification of painting materials using multivariate analysis; (O4) Development of an integrated pigment-mapping technique.