A special selection of the events we are or were involved in.
Conference: Optoelectronics into a powerful economy
In the next days, INOE 2000 will host a multi-disciplinary on-line conference spread across several important topics within the optoelectronics field of research. Altogether 49 scientific reports from Romania and abroad are gathered in 5 sessions. The Optoelectronics...
This year, due to the current global situation related to the pandemic COVID-19, this event was organized online, between 29-31.07.2020. Our department won: 1 Diploma for Excellence 2 Diplomas for realization While our Institute received the Grand prize.
Field campaign: Golești Museum
Workshop: Advanced approaches for Cultural Heritage conservation
The workshop was held online and it aimed at bringing together specialists from the CERTO group and the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and presenting recent studies, advances and development in the field of Heritage Science. A...
Workshop Galați 2019
Images from the workshop organized in Galați within the project IMPLEMENT.
Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions – Geneva 2019
Our colleague Monica Dinu represented our department and institute at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva with the patent "Method for obtaining biocompatible materials for the restoration-preservation of textile" (2015). The event was organized...
WATCH conference 2018
Conference organized within IMPLEMENT project
Salonul International de Inventii si Inovatii “Traian Vuia”
In perioada 13-15 iunie 2018 ne prezentam cele mai valoroase inventii, impreună cu colegii din celelalte departamente ale Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronica INOE 2000, la a patra editie a Salonulului Internațional de Inventii si...
MONUMENTO – Salzburg 2018
În perioada 11-13 ianuarie 2018, departamentul nostru a fost invitat de către Institutul Național al Patrimoniului la pavilionul României de la Expoziţia internaţională MONUMENTO, organizat la Salzburg. Monumento Salzburg este o platformă internațională pentru...
Expoziția „Meșteșug și prestigiu. Depozitele de bronzuri de la Tărtăria”
Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României (MNIR) anunţă organizarea expoziției „Meșteșug și prestigiu. Depozitele de bronzuri de la Tărtăria”. Expoziția este organizată în cadrul proiectului de cercetare „Platformă PILOT de valorizare trans-disciplinară prin baze de date...