Invitation from Skopje

Invitation from Skopje

Due to the increased visibility of our national and international field campaigns within the Watch PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0356 project, we were invited last week to Skopje, Macedonia, by the National Conservation Center to present our field research infrastructure...
Collaboration with DALA Foundation

Collaboration with DALA Foundation

At the invitation of DALA Foundation, INOE 2000 was pleased to collaborate in the project Patrimoniu Deschis increasing the public accessibility to multiethnic heritage values from ASTRA MUSEUM. The collaboration consisted in an investigation project for a...
Courses for Cultural Heritage restorers

Courses for Cultural Heritage restorers

Between 19-24 October 2015, S.C. Lavimar Consult S.R.L. in collaboration with the National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics INOE 2000, organized for the first time in Romania a module for the Restoration course – “Investigation and...
Exhibition: “Memoria luminii”

Exhibition: “Memoria luminii”

On the 26th of May 2015, we are organizing in collaboration with PleshooContemporary, with the courtesy of Romanian Academy – Arts, Architecture and Audiovisual Department, the exhibition entitled “Memoria Luminii” featuring a life-size reconstructed...