by admin_mto | Mar 19, 2020 | news
In this month’s issue of, it was published a dedicated article that collects testimonials from our partners. The article can be read in Romanian (!), here.
by admin_mto | Feb 19, 2020 | news
In this month’s issue of, it was published a dedicated article on our contribution to the restoration of the Gate of the Apostles in the XIV-th century Archiepiscopal Church Santa Maria Mayor in Morella, Spain. This project of restoration was...
by admin_mto | Feb 10, 2020 | news
This month our new paper “Multidisciplinary approach for time-framing of an overpainted wooden iconostasis from Southern Romania” was published in Microchemical Journal. You can read it HERE! The paper is available on request. Abstract In this study...
by admin_mto | Jan 16, 2020 | news
Cercetări multidisciplinare pentru evaluarea stării de conservare a unor situri rupestre din zona Aluniș-Bozioru (Munții Buzău) incluse în patrimoniul cultural național, Lucian Ratoiu, Alexandru Chelmus, Laurentiu Angheluta, Alexandru Petculescu, Ionut Mirea, Cristian...
by admin_mto | Nov 29, 2019 | events, photo gallery
Images from the workshop organized in Galați within the project IMPLEMENT.