Bilingual catalogue published at UNARTE Publishing House (CNCS - B category)
Title: Imagini contemporane în atelier. Practici artistice și științifice II, Editor: Ruxandra Demetrescu, ISBN: 978-606-720-070-6 / 2016
Volume includes texts written by Ada Hajdu, Diana Dochia, Diana Ursan, Ioana Mandeal, Alexandru Rădvan, Ruxandra Demetrescu, Ioana Cortea and Cristina Serendan.

Collection of projects and PhD theses on the topic of the project (coordinated by the National University of Arts Bucharest)
- Diana Ursan, PhD thesis: Scena artei contemporane: instituții, galerii și practici artistice alternative/(auto)reflexive
- Ioana Mandeal, PhD thesis: Museum - in -progress. Crize și utopii ale muzeului contemporan
- Lucian Ratoiu, PhD thesis: Paradigme ale patrimoniului cultural construit. Reevaluarea proceselor de clasare și conservare
- Cristina Cojocaru, PhD thesis: Arta religioasă contemporană și problemele legate de intervențiile contemporane în monumentele tradiționale
- Elena Rădoi, PhD thesis: Problematica lacunelor în patrimoniul artistic, abordări actuale privind valorificarea valorii de vechime prin prezervarea degradărilor
Launching of an online scientific journal: SAGE (Studies in Contemporary Art Ageing)
The SAGE Journal is a transdisciplinary journal for the scientific issues regarding contemporary art conservation. The main aim of this bi-annual journal is to publish original paper on the ageing, and transformations which come with it, of contemporary works of art. Special attention will be given to studies concerning the knowledge of the issues arising with the use of artistic free-styling, non-conventional materials, as well as modern materials’ life limits and degradation mechanisms, and all theoretical and practical aspects related to the preservation of contemporary works of art. The focus will be on new professional materials, encompassing not only materials used for artistic creation, but also new materials for restorers.
The SAGE Journal encourages the presentation of case studies, considering that this field, outlined as an area of strong future, with specific traits, is yet far from including procedures and repeatability. The variety of case studies and projections for as many distinct situations, most efficiently support the preventive conservation measures.
SAGE Journal is interested in papers which focus on:
- Advances in scientific methods and techniques for the investigation of aspects concerning the aging of contemporary works of art;
- Trans and multidisciplinary research on contemporary works of art;
- Reviews on the current state of the art in contemporary art aging and on specific topics selected by the editorial board;
- Modern approaches to visual arts higher education;
- Aspects of contemporary art trade in relation to long-term conservation;
- Aspects of contemporary visual arts assessment in relation to its conservation perspective

Implementation of international standards on regard Cultural Heritage conservation practice
- CEN/TC 346 - EN 15898:2011 (Conservation of cultural property. Main general terms and definitions)
- SR EN 15758:2010 (Conservation of cultural property. Procedures and instruments for measuring temperatures of the air and the surfaces of objects)
- EN 16095:2012 (Conservation of cultural property. Condition recording for movable cultural heritage)
Start-up for new initiatives and clusters on the direction of other categories of art