Cercetări Arheologice și Prospecțiuni cu Mijloace Optoelectronice


 2007 – 2009



About Project

CARPO is a project addressed to the 2nd module from “CAPACITIES” Program and defines an complex activities with high necessities related to match Romanian research branch – more precise in archeology, conservation and museum studies on scientific principles – with the one form E.U. countries and to obtain a real and efficient window to transfer technology and know-how. The partnership creates a thematic network with emphasizing, valorization and protection aim of the cultural heritage in different regions (with archaeological pieces that correspond, form the typological variability and conservation point of view) to the durable development context of the local community that will suppose the massive and rapid grow of the anthropology intervention pressure in the territory. A high complexity domain, profound multidisciplinary, relative poor extended in Romania and undoubtedly uneven in its components, at the same time uneven activated in different regions of the country. More, it has a huge social impact for the urbanism and field organization perspective of the local community level.