A new paper has been published by our team in Romanian Journal of Physics. The article, entitled “Online timelapse thermography 3D viewer” proposes a demonstrative approach for correlating time-lapse thermal image sets with a referenced 3D surface in an interactive virtual medium using webgl and threejs, and is freely available to the public via a web page → https://datafusionart.inoe.ro/caseStudies/pn2022/.

You can read the article at the following link: https://rjp.nipne.ro/2023_68_1-2/RomJPhys.68.904.pdf


In this paper is described the method and process for the development of an online 3D viewer dedicated for displaying time lapse series of imaging data fused with the color texture of a 3D digitized surface. For a better understanding of the whole process and requirements for the repeatability of this experiment, the data acquisition and processing are also included. The paper details the importance of thermal imaging in Cultural Heritage investigation and its advantages for a correct assessment of the conservation state for different types of cultural goods. The concept of timelapse thermography is not new, but still greatly overlooked today. The presented application is a viable solution as a visualization and interpretation tool for large sets of imaging data, as it would result from timelapse series. For testing purposes an afresco experimental panel, with known hidden defects, was used in exterior conditions for timelapse thermography. Data acquisition and preparation for both imaging and 3D digitization are detailed in regards with the requirements the online accessibility