
The aim of a Short Scientific Mission (SSM) is to contribute to the realization of the scientific objectives of the COST Action.

SSMs shall strengthen the existing networks by allowing scientists to visit a workplace in another COST country to learn a new technique(s).

The Management Committee (MC) is responsible for recommending to the Commission the Institute to be charged with the administration of the missions. For COST G7 the Administering Institute (AI) is FORTH from Heraklion Greece. The MC is also responsible for selecting the candidates to receive support, based on the applications received.

The applicant/application

The applicant must be employed in an institute in a COST member state having signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the action. The institute should be actively participating in the COST Action. Undergraduates may not be considered. Application forms should be sent to the Chairperson of the COST Action. The MC will evaluate the requests, taking into account the scientific value of the proposed work, as well as the reasonableness of the estimated costs requested.


The average contribution for a SSM will normally not exceed 1500 ECU.

  Host institution

The host institution can be public or private, but must be in a COST member country having signed the MoU and must be participating in the COST Action.
The researcher is responsible for obtaining the agreement of the host organisation, for applying to the MC for approval and for providing the necessary records relating to the missions of the AI. These records include travel documents and the mission report.


SSMs shall be made within the duration of the COST G7 Action (until 30.05.2005).

     Application Form