This is a really useful database on a wide range of pigments. It is in Spanish (Base de datos de pigmentos), and you have to apply for a password to get excess.  Once you have a password, you can freely get access to the database. You can search on names or chemical elements. You can also search on observed features in a spectrum or color coordinates, to see what pigments match your data. For every pigment you find the chemical formula, adescription, the color coordinates, XRD spectrum, Raman spectra and an FTIR spectrum. 

The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) website contains a wide range of databases. Some of them can be accessed freely, others can be ordered. On-line databases can be found on: You can freely access the Chemical Webbook at, and the atomic spectra database at 

This site is from the University of Florence, Department of Chemistry and has free access. It gives microRamanspectra of 39 pigments and IR spectra of 11 pigments. A database with spectra of different binding media is under construction.

This website from the Infrared and Raman User Group contains over 1000 IR spectra of oils, waxes, natural and synthetic resins, pigments, proteins, gums, dyes and natural minerals. It is available only to IRUG individuals and/or their institutions in the non-profit sector, who contribute 10 or more accepted spectra to the compilation. The contact person for IRUG in Europe is Boris Pretzel from the Victoria&Albert Museum in London. 

Websites on safety: 

Laser safety: 

Health&safety in the arts  (database on art materials and their hazard).: (Laser Institute of America) (Rockwell Laser Industries) (Bioptica safety consultants) (Handbook on Industrial Laser Safety)